Joseph George Mershon
Feb 23, 1970 – June 17, 2023.
Joseph Mershon entered the US Army in 2008 at 38 years old, immediately receiving the nickname “old man”.
He was deployed to Afghanistan from 2010-2011 serving with the armored division.
As a disabled combat Veteran, with severe PTSD, Joseph struggled daily with the war he was left to wage within himself.
He lost several brothers from his unit and 22 a day became very important to him. He avidly supported changing those statistics.
Joseph George Mershon, 53, was taken from us suddenly, June 17, 2023, with a non service related massive brain bleed.
His Dad, Charles Mershon, an army veteran from the Vietnam era, served as a helicopter crew chief, 1967-1969.
He joined Joseph at their final post on Jan 31,2024.
They will be remembered, loved, and missed…