Think of it as Emotional ArmorPTSI is an injury that can now heal just as quickly as it happens. Our approach works. We are seeing results daily among veterans, first responders, and other trauma survivors.
- Veterans with PTSI
- Operations Iraqi Freedom (OIF) and Enduring Freedom (OEF): About 11-20 out of every 100 Veterans (or between 11-20%) who served in OIF or OEF have PTSI in a given year.
- Gulf War (Desert Storm): About 12 out of every 100 Gulf War Veterans (or 12%) have PTSI in a given year.
- Vietnam War: About 15 out of every 100 Vietnam Veterans (or 15%) were currently diagnosed with PTSD at the time of the most recent study in the late 1980s, the National Vietnam Veterans Readjustment Study (NVVRS). It is estimated that about 30 out of every 100 (or 30%) of Vietnam Veterans have had PTSI in their lifetime.
With veterans their combat experiences may often compound on each other, that’s a no-brainer however, we are finding many have high Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) as well. Or an even more disturbing trend is something called Military Sexual Trauma (MST) when a member of the ranks does the unthinkable to one of their own.
Among Veterans who use VA health care, about: 23 out of 100 women (or 23%) reported sexual assault when in the military. ~ source: U.S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs
PTSI effects millions of all Americans each year.
First Responders and Trauma
Critical Incidents Stress Resiliency (CISR) can be added to your program to make it more effective and robust.
We lose more first responders to suicide than the line of duty deaths each year. If there is even a remote possibility to prevent this, isn’t it worth exploring?
Most first responder agencies have some sort of peer support available to those experiencing a critical incident in the workplace. Maybe you investigated a double homicide, or worked a traffic fatality, or had to give the next of kin notification of a death, or perhaps a line of duty officer-involved shooting, or investigated a horrific suicide or a sudden infant death. Maybe you lost a 6-year-old in the back of your ambulance running an emergency response to the hospital. I could go on and on, but you get my point. Emotional tolls on our police, fire, emergency medical services and hospital staff are beyond normal capacities. We develop coping skills that can bleed over into our personal lives. Maybe it starts with a few shots of bourbon to take the edge off and a few more to sleep. Our relationships with our significant others, families, and children can start to take its toll.
We then can start shifting into disciplinary problems at work; you get angry for no apparent reason. We have sworn to protect our communities and can become insensitive with those we protect. Or maybe you start slacking at work because you don’t want to write another stupid report. Sound familiar?
Here is a real problem—egos of a profession. We are alpha males and alpha females, and we work hard to portray ourselves as protectors. There is nothing to see here; I’m good! The rank and file are afraid to ask for help because we know what the consensus is with PTSI . We perceive it as a weakness because we stigmatized the term. It is why we lose more first responders every year to suicide compared to the line of duty deaths. The new research, however, shows how wrong we are about PTSI. It's not psychological; it is neurological. The brain gets hijacked because it fuses an emotion with an image or series of images. The emotion and image remain in the amygdala or the fight or flight part of the brain for ready and easy access. Intrusive thoughts, when we don’t want them, they sneak in our thoughts. Triggers occur when we pass by an intersection of a case we worked a decade ago and now seems like yesterday. A nightmare happens because the brain is trying to process it but can’t. PTSI is an injury that can now heal just as quickly as it sets in.
What if I tell you there is a way to rid yourself of the negative emotions associated with your duties or even clear the emotions attached to a hardcore traumatic event. Would you be interested in exploring this solution? What if I told you the training takes three days and then the process becomes quite simple.The trained member will retain the skill and get better with time. The training can occur in person or via an online platform. All training is completed through 22ZERO!
How much institutional knowledge do we lose to stress every year? Men and women quit their professions because they don’t want to deal with the bombardment of emotions on the job. What does it cost to retrain the member? How about the stress-induced diseases associated like diabetes, heart disease, strokes, pick your cancer. What if we can regulate the emotions early in a career? What does that look like for overall health?
New research shows just how wrong we’ve been about PTSI. It’s not psychological; it is neurological. PTSI is an injury that can now heal just as quickly as it is inflicted.
2-4 Sessions are required
There is a better way to manage negative emotions associated with their duties and service, and even clear the emotions attached to a hardcore traumatic event. What’s more, you can learn this process in only three days. Our latest research has shown more than half of program participants recover after only one session with others experiencing recovery within two to four sessions.

Agency Peer Support for Critical Incidents and Crisis Negotiations.
The Battle Buddy Program has evolved; it was ultimately a way to plug veterans back in with other veterans for that human connection to a new tribe. But now we have a fully functioning coaching program, where veterans administer the Trauma Resiliency Protocol (TRP) and Emotions Management Process (EMP) on a peer to peer level.
To date, we have trained over 300 peer coaches that are veterans, US Border Patrol Agents, Deputy Sheriffs, Police Officers, Firefighters, Florida National Guard, and the Florida Air National Guard, and an Active Duty Special Forces Chaplain.