Dr. Arnell Meets with TN House Representative Clay Doggett and Commissioner Jeff Long to Discuss 22ZERO’s Mission for Veterans and First Responders
Dr. Arnell, Executive Director of 22ZERO was asked by House Representative Clay Doggett to meet with Commissioner Long in Nashville. Dr. Arnell had the privilege to speak with the Commissioner and Governor’s Homeland Security Advisor, Safety & Homeland Security, Commissioner Jeff Long and his staff, about the mission of 22ZERO for veterans and first responders. I also had the privilege to spend time with House Representative Clay Doggett this morning and tell him more about the mission of 22ZERO.

Dr. Arnell focused on the importance of healing first responders in Tennessee with the Commissioner and his staff, also explaining how it would look, if all cadets who graduated from the THP academy were healed from childhood experiences in addition to their families, before they started patrolling.
Dr. Arnell was a reserve deputy at the Giles County Sheriff Department where House Representative Clay worked as a Deputy. Dr. Arnell would ride with Clay on several occasions and discussed how he wanted to become involved in legislation to help change and make a difference in Tennessee.
When Clay asked if she would speak to the Commissioner, Dr. Arnell was humbled and said absolutely.
Dr. Arnell Advocates for Healing First Responders in Tennessee During Meetings with Key Officials
While 22ZERO uses a secure telehealth platform, and the trauma peer coaches are across the United States, it was very important for Dr. Arnell to make sure Tennessee first responders and their immediate family were included in the ability to heal from trauma.

After meeting with the Commissioner, Dr. Arnell was asked if she would be willing to come back to the Capital and meet with other Commissioners, regarding 22ZERO, and those dates are being worked on for her to return to the Capital.
Dr. Arnell explained to the Commissioner and his staff, the process is 100% confidential and using a Telehealth platform, the first responders would remain home, without telling any of the content, they would be paired with a trauma peer coach to go through the process, in addition to not reporting to their departments if they choose to contact 22ZERO and receive the free sessions.

Dr. Arnell provided information to Commissioner Long and his staff on the importance of first responders in Tennessee who suffer from PTS and how valuable it will be for them and their families to be healed from PTS.
Please also read: 22ZERO Invited To Speak At The Calhoun County Veterans Court