Email Verification

Serene Veterans Day tribute with a lone soldier

Thank you for your interest

Next Step: Email Verification

You will now receive an email with a link to confirm your subscription. Please look for this email in your email client, and make sure to whitelist our email:

If you are not receiving any emails from make sure to:

  • CHECK ALL YOUR INBOXES – on your desktop computer sometimes the phone or mobile app hides emails
  • Check Promotions folder
  • Check Spam folder
  • Check Junk folder
  • Check Social folder
  • Check Updates folder
  • Check All Mail folder

To help ensure that emails are coming through to your main inbox you can:

Click and drag messages, from the 22Zero Newsletter, to the Primary tab at the top of your Gmail interface to indicate it’s important.

Add The 22ZERO Newsletter as a contact, and mark any messages that you see from the newsletter as “Important”.