Dr. Pamela Arnell Headshot

Dr. Pam Arnell

Executive Director

As of November 5th, 2022, Dr. Arnell became the Executive Director for 22Zero Follow Me, Inc. Dr. Arnell also provides marketing, speaking at conferences for 22Zero, providing co-training for the peer-to-peer coaches along with Nick Davis. As the Executive Director, Dr. Arnell is in charge of overseeing 22Zero Follow Me, Inc., business’s strategic vision and supervising business decisions to drive company growth for 22Zero. Dr. Arnell will be collaborating with the company’s leadership team, implementing strategic plans for the company’s development, and managing relationships with all stakeholders.

Dr. Arnell will also collaborate with the board of Directors of 22Zero to identify, create, and implement strategic plans to actualize business objectives effectively for all mission clients, coaches, and staff. Also, to identify, recruit, train and develop a talented team of coaches and employees. Dr. Arnell will monitor company operations and ensure employees and business practices comply with regulatory and legal requirements. In addition to developing the organizational culture and promoting transparency and collaboration throughout the 22Zero. Another role is to develop partnerships with company stakeholders, shareholders, industry regulators and other relevant parties and identify potential risks and opportunities within the organization and its environment to protect business interests.