20 years as a social worker with a degree in social rehabilitation has taught me so much about myself as well as those I serve. The best education I ever received though was from my Meme (Millie). Millie was that person in my life who molded me into the woman I am today by teaching me what true compassion and empathy was. I am and have been a better mom, friend and woman thanks to the lessons learned from my Meme. My parents and in particular my dad who is a Vietnam Combat Veteran made sure I had the grit I would need to make it through the toughest moments life could throw at me (Trust me when I say I’ve had a few!)
I firmly believe that life is full of moments that we can learn and grow from. My two sons Ethan and Aiden have and always will be some of my biggest teachers. My boys have taught me countless lessons on how to be better both personally and professionally. My hope is that I can impact others in the same way my family has me, while building deep trusting relationships along the way!
Being a social worker has truly been a blessing and I feel that it was in large part to prepare me for being a part of the 22Zero team. When I was offered the opportunity to come on board, I jumped at it and cannot explain just how excited I am to help serve others in this new role.
I learned of 22Zero a few years ago and fully admit, I was a huge skeptic! I thought it was “hocus pocus” but I can happily say, “I was wrong.” I went through the processes of TRP and EMP. To my surprise, I just felt better!! One of my sons who was 15 at the time, also went through the process and what a blessing for him and for me. He is the same young man, but different as he has been able to release a lot of the heavy emotions that had been weighing him down. I am forever grateful for these processes and look forward to being able to pay that forward. I recently took the TRP and EMP training to be a coach and look forward to helping others in their healing.
When I am away from work there isn’t much I love more than being in the outdoors. Being on the beach or hiking in the woods speaks to my soul and leaves me always feeling more grounded.
Spending time with my boys and helping them prepare for the next stage in their lives gives me no greater joy! Ethan has his sights set on the Air Force while Aiden is looking to the trades and hopes to have his own HVAC business someday in the future.
Finding peace and happiness in life keeps me always moving forward but its helping others and building deep rooted relationships drives me! I so look forward to connecting with individuals while helping them navigate the emotional world to find their healing.